This blog is a cross section of comments only from US citizens about guns, violence, murder and the current situation of reality in America copied from comments on the internet and social media sites like Facebook and Twitter in the last 24 hours.
Almost 100 people will be shot to death in USA today. This is not a gun problem. This is rampant mental illness...
With three months left in the year, Chicago's tally is at 375 murders in 2015.
September was the most violent month since 2003 with over 100 people shot over two weekends, but if you aren't following local news you're never going to hear about it. So until Obama figures out how to stop the violence down the street from his personal home, I don't need to hear a word about some crazy jag off in Oregon representing gun owners across the country.
360+ shot and 62 dead in Chicago, just in Sept. Not a word. Black lives matter? Not with 85% black on black homicide in Chicago.
That's Obama for you. Chicago, the state where obama was a senator and where his best friend rahm emanuel is a mayor, has the stiffest guns laws. Chicago leads the nation in homicides. 88% by guns. Go figure.
Also a shooting at a high school football game here in St Louis too. Luckily no one was hit. More black on black crime but I guess that's not sexy enough for Obama to insight more racial divide in this country.
But wait, this CANNOT BE TRUE!! Baltimore has strict gun laws!! And the president said strict gun laws work!!! Like in Chicago..... 😏
In Chicago last weekend, 5 dead, 53 injured. Obama must be numb to the fact that most shootings occur in democratic controlled areas where gun control is the strongest.
The media is working with Obama to screen stories. If you dig, you will find that homicides in Baltimore are the highest in over 43 years spiking after the riots invited by our President.
I have news for you, being really angry does not qualify someone for mental illness. You can't do anything about the mentally ill, but you can make it harder to obtain guns.
This shooter wasn't mentally ill. He was perfectly coherent. He was a domestic terrorist that carried out his plan of slaughtering Christians. Any person in the United States that kills unarmed Americans is a domestic terrorist. Foreign or domestic, they are one and the same. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Their goal is to inflict as much harm as humanly possible. Our focusing needs to be on religious tolerance, stopping terrorism, and arming more citizens safely and responsibly. Gun violence will go down drastically! PERIOD.
...take a step back from your emotions and look at it logically when have criminals ever obeyed laws? So how are more laws gonna stop criminals from breaking other laws? Cause the last time I checked murder was illegal yet it happens let's say your gun ban happens only people it will affect will be law abiding citizens now not only have you disarmed innocent law abiding people you now made them a target for those who don't give two shits about a law not to mention you just eliminated a american right so what other rights you want to eliminate? since we can just take out what we don't approve how about freedom of speech seeing as so many get offended now a days see this is a very dangerous and slippery slope while your looking at through rose colored glasses those of us who are defending gun rights are looking at the whole picture logically ask yourself why is it that all these shootings happen in gun free zones?
Proof positive it is not the guns: Think of one of the most secure locations where absolutely no guns are allowed. And yet in this location that we call prison.... violence runs rampant. Killing, rape, burglary, gang fights and so on all happening in a gun free zone. It's not the guns, its the heart of man, the conscience of a person and sadly many times it's a mental illness that has gone undiagnosed or not properly treated.
...more laws restricting access to guns again only affects those that obey laws! Making guns more readily available will decrease the extent of gun violence! If people were allowed to carry for protection in that gunfree zone on campus I am confident that the resulting deaths would have been FAR less! Measures to screen for mental illness and to assure identity should be in place beyond that people should be encouraged to own a gun and criminals would be much less bold in their crimes!
A guy shot his neighbor today here in Las Vegas, then proceeded to grab her 10 yr old son, took him back to his house and shot him, then shot himself!! The woman had another small child that I think was unharmed.. I just can't watch the news ..there's so much killing, down right pure evil hatred for one another, and no consequence for ones actions. I'm so tired of this..when will it stop?! The college shooting is just sickening to me..we don't need more gun control laws, we're not fighting guns. We're fighting the evil and mental illness behind the guns, a whole other ball game.
Law Enforcement (Police) have no Legal obligation to protect you or any citizen.. The Courts (State and Federal) have ruled over and over again that you as a citizen are responsible for your own safety and protection, and not the Police.. Even the Supreme Court has handed down decisions over the last 40 years that upheld the lower court decisions on this matter.. And it has been supported by the Legislatures.... If you want Protection, by a Gun or Hire a Security Guard...........
Violent neighborhoods in rural areas-Two days ago, 2 were killed inside their home by supposed son recently with domestic charges and release from jail..he is still on the run in Knox County outside the small town of Mount Vernon Ohio.. still at large two days later and have tracked and found two stolen cars within few counties..still at large but apparently remains local ?. We're talking Farm country...who would want to be here without a security system, a gun, and a big dog..a plan to defend yourself knowing it would take 30 minutes for police to arrive. ... the difference in the big city and rural America is the response time is extended very few Police officers on duty due to no funding, drug induced robberies on the rise.
Funny the president does not address this.
A little more than a year ago, I was awakened at 4 a.m. to the sounds of two of my neighbors being gunned down in their home; a single mother and her grown son. The gunman was convinced by a t.v. show that he was killing demons. It's not the guns that are the problem; it's dangerous people - dangerous due to mental illness, or a lack of morality.
These shootings are terrible. Of course we all wish there were no weapons. If it were not a gun, it would be a knife, or a baseball bat, a ax, or a machete. Any number of items could be used to kill and maim. Can someone perform a mass killing with these items? Maybe maybe not....It has happened before. We can look back in history and see that unarmed people are victims. Victims to anyone. Our not so distant ancestors eradicated some tribes here in the states, some to the point of extinction....There have been genocides against all sorts of races and religions world wide. They were unarmed and not prepared to defend them selves. I wish someone had an answer to solve the problems. Mental illness is a very strong contributor to these mass shootings. Recognizing this people and treating them will certainly curb many of these incidents. Doctors need to be very careful with the drugs they prescribe. We often do not here of the many gruesome killings that go on In this country, only the ones that have some profound effect upon a political issue. Remember that. Hatred can not be controlled. Drugs are a very real problem and major contributor to all of these killings. There still needs to be a war on drugs. Obama never speaks on drugs. Does he?
Getting rid of guns is NOT THE ANSWER and not possible so why even waste time discussing it. SECONDLY, remove gun free zones.
5 were shot here In Cincinnati(Evanston) on Monday. Then 3 more people in different neighborhoods within the next 3 hours. And by Friday there were a total of 10 shootings. All black on black. Not one white person involved.
If you take the black crime out of America. .what would the crime rate be?
I am the #NRA and I will never disarm to please some progressive president who's surrounded by armed secert service. His children are guarded by men with guns, yet my kids have to be sitting ducks without armed guards? Not going to happen Mr president!
Did you know in August here in Rochester NY there was a mass shooting outside the boys and girls club. 7 injured and 3 died. There was no mass media. Local coverage only.
There have been three young children shot and killed in the past month or so in Cleveland. Nothing mentioned outside local news.
5 shootings a day, at least 3 to 5 murders a day in Memphis, Tn. 168 dead this year so far. Black on Black. Where's the "little man"??????
In Cleveland two weeks ago a family of 3 was just and a two year old boy was killed his name was Major there was no march no new coverage no help from the black lives matter movment no presidential speach and no justice the killer is still out there why because it didn't fit the motif they want portaried because he was killed by a black gang member.
Doesn't fit their narrative...they will not call attention to these kind of shooting that go on everyday.
Children are being gunned down in Cleveland, latest was 5 month's old.
Reporting the fact that the overwhelming majority of gun violence is perpetrated by criminals does not fit his narrative. And Maryland has worked for decades to try and disarm its citizens. I know many LEO, in Baltimore at that, who are strong supporters of the 2A and want the citizens they served armed.
Someone ask King O, How many were killed in Chicago, a GUN FZ, in the past few days? That number will be MORE than those killed in the College shooting.
For the 2nd weekend in a row, more than 50 shot in Chicago, a "gun free" zone...
Although there's been a 13% decrease in 2015, 56 cops have been killed in 2014-15.
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